
Welcome to Karic Vacuum, LLC!
1330 Danny St,
Waukesha, WI 53186
(262) 832-4891
Monday - Saturday:
08:00am ~ 06:00pm



Rooftop Vacuuming

Our rooftop vacuuming system eliminates the labor intensive wheelbarrow and shovel method. It speeds up the tear off process, reduces dust, disposal and labor costs.


Wet Vacuuming

After vacuuming all the loose rock from the roof, we go over the surface again using a specialized nozzle that utilizes highly pressurized water directed at the roof surface removing all dirt, rock, and debris.


Power Broom System

Our power broom system removes the accumulated dirt, smaller rock particles, eliminates heavy deposits and loosely embedded rock which leaves a cleaner rooftop surface.

We specialize in commercial and industrial rooftop vacuuming.